Certified high school graduates between the ages of 20-45 can find employment in the fields of automotive, electrical, motor, upholstery, and assembly in Germany. The application fee is 287 euros or 309 USD and accommodation is provided by Tesla. The application process takes 1-3 months and includes a work permit visa. There are many career opportunities available for engineers, especially in the automotive industry, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence fields. There is also demand for IT specialists and train drivers.


There are no restrictions on foreigners purchasing real estate in Germany. A power of attorney must be notarized or authenticated at a German consulate for the purchase transaction. It is important to clearly define the land and accessories when acquiring property. Real estate transfer tax can be reduced within certain limits. Germany has low homeownership rates and a strong real estate market with imbalances in supply and demand. Low interest rates have made homeownership more accessible.


Germany is the largest economy in Europe and an attractive country for foreign investment. It has advantages such as industry, specialized workforce, and geographical location. Investors can benefit from incentives such as the tax system and the opportunity to own property without the risk of expropriation. The healthcare sector is one of the most notable investment sectors in Germany and offers investment opportunities such as incentive programs, cash incentives, and employment incentives.
Fair Consulting & Trading

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